Training materials
ELIXIR-CONVERGE - The why of research data management
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data curation and archival Data security Data integration and warehousing Data Life Cycle Data Steward Data Data access management Data management plan Data managment plan Data handling ELIXIR-CONVERGE -
Overview of the
• beginnerFAIR data Data management FAIR FAIR principles Data sharing -
FAIRplus FAIRification wizard
• beginnerFAIR data FAIR Data management -
Training materials, Video
GA4GH Passports and ELIXIR AAI
•• intermediateAAI GA4GH Passports Auhtorisation -
A common framework for designing portable federated pipelines
•• intermediateData architecture, analysis and design data access federated data analysis -
FAIR software tools
• beginnerSoftware engineering FAIR software tools Software -
Making cohort data FAIR
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Data management FAIR data Cohort data Ontologies Standards -
Introduction to FAIR principles - Open science through FAIR health data networks: dream or reality?
• beginnerData management FAIR data Health data Open science -
Data Gravity in the Life Sciences: Lessons learned from the HCA and other federated data projects
•• intermediateData architecture, analysis and design Cloud computing Data analysis Standards Translational research -
Annotating data using next generation biobanking ontology (NGBO)
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Ontology and terminology Standards Ontologies Data Integration data harmonization Standardised vocabulary
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