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Content provider
- ELIXIR Estonia2
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Difficulty level
- Beginner2
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Target audience
- Beginners
- Bioinformaticians19
- Data Managers17
- Data Scientists16
- PhD candidates12
- Research Scientists12
- Scientists12
- Biomedical Researchers11
- Researcher in life sciences11
- Researchers10
- Life Science Researchers9
- Students9
- PhD Students7
- Bench biologists6
- Computational biologists6
- Bioinformatician5
- Biologists5
- Researcher5
- biologists5
- Anyone wishing to use bioinformatics resources to find basic information about a virus.4
- Beginner4
- Data stewards4
- Life Scientists4
- PI4
- bioinformaticians4
- Biologists with little or no prior computational experience3
- Curators3
- Database users3
- Trainers3
- modelers3
- research software engineers and researchers writing code3
- Clinical Scientists2
- Clinicians2
- Graduate Students2
- Graduate students2
- Laboratory technicians2
- Life scientists2
- Life scientists with programming skills2
- Ontologists2
- PhD Scholars, Graduates and Post Graduates, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Bio instruments Professionals, Bio-informatics Professionals, Directors, CEO’s of Organizations, Supply Chain companies, Manufacturing Companies, Software development companies, Research Institutes and members2
- Post Docs2
- Post-Doctoral Fellows2
- Postdocs and Staff members2
- Principal Investigators (PIs)2
- Professor2
- Research scientists2
- Training Coordinators2
- Training Designers2
- Training Organisers2
- Training instructors2
- Veterinarians2
- beginner bioinformaticians2
- biocurators2
- life science researchers2
- project manager2
- researchers2
- Anyone dealing with cell lines with no or little knowledge of the Cellosaurus resource.1
- Anyone dealing with human proteins, with no or little knowledge of the neXtProt platform.1
- Anyone interested in simulation of metabolic models, and in PerMedCoE tools and activities1
- Anyone wishing to interpret graphs showing the progression of COVID-19.1
- Beginner informatics1
- Bioinformatician, Bioanalysts1
- Bioinformaticians, Biologists with little or no prior computational experience.1
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists1
- Biomedical researchers1
- Bioscientists1
- Chemists1
- DMP writers1
- ECR1
- Healthcare professionals1
- Imaging Core Facility Staff1
- Librarians1
- Life science researchers who are new to high performance computing1
- Life scientists with no or little knowledge of the ISMARA tool.1
- Life scientists, bioinformaticians and researchers who are familiar with writing Python code and core Python elements, and would like to use it in their daily data exploration and visualization tasks.1
- Modellers1
- Node Coordinators1
- OMERO trainers1
- OMERO users1
- PhD Students or young researchers in molecular biology and/or genetics with little or no background in bioinformatics.1
- PhD students in Genomics datascience1
- Post docs1
- PostDocs1
- Postdoctoral Researchers1
- Postgraduate Students1
- Principal Investigators1
- Researchers in Life Sciences1
- Students, postdocs, and researchers, from any scientific environment (academia, facilities, companies, etc.) interested in viral data, as well as anyone looking for virion and viral genome images for use in teaching or publications.1
- Technicians1
- The course is aimed at research scientists with a minimum of a degree in a biological discipline, including laboratory and clinical staff, as well as specialists in related fields.1
- This workshop is aimed at PhD students within the PhD programme "Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology" (University of Pavia) and the PhD programmme "Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology" (IUSS, University School for Advanced Studies Pavia.1
- data steward / data manager1
- plant researchers1
- research software engineers and researchers developing research software1
- scientific researchers, public health professionals and clinicians1
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- Diana Pilvar1
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Resource type
- lessons2
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