Training materials
Presentation, hackathon
ELN basics training materials
• beginner -
FAIR software tools
• beginnerSoftware engineering FAIR software tools Software -
Making cohort data FAIR
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Data management FAIR data Cohort data Ontologies Standards -
Introduction to FAIR principles - Open science through FAIR health data networks: dream or reality?
• beginnerData management FAIR data Health data Open science -
Introduction à la programmation Python pour la biologie
• beginnerPython Programming Python for Biologists -
Presentation, course materials
Introduction to Nextflow workshop
• beginnerWorkflows Nextflow DSL2 -
Life Science Literature Database, Life Sciences Literature Database
Using Europe PMC for effective literature research
• beginnerLiterature search peer reviewed articles Europe PMC, Preprints Data links Annotations Europe PMC, ORCID -
Annotating data using next generation biobanking ontology (NGBO)
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Ontology and terminology Standards Ontologies Data Integration data harmonization Standardised vocabulary -
Applying data standards to the harmonization of COVID-19 datasets from different sources
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Data integration Standards Standardised vocabulary data harmonization Ontologies -
Useful ontologies for harmonizing cohort data
• beginnerData integration and warehousing Data management Ontology and terminology Ontologies Cohort data data annotation