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- AMR1
- Antibiotic resistance (ABR)1
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- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Antiprotozoal resistance1
- Antiviral resistance1
- Biological sequences1
- Communicable disease1
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- Extensive drug resistance (XDR)1
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- Microbial genetics1
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- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Multidrug resistance1
- Multiple drug resistance (MDR)1
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- Personal genomics1
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- Sequence analysis1
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- Galaxy234
- FastQC25
- SAMtools23
- BWA15
- fastp15
- MultiQC14
- BEDTools13
- scikit-learn11
- Cutadapt10
- DeepTools10
- JBrowse9
- Trimmomatic8
- kraken28
- taxonomy_krona_chart8
- FreeBayes7
- NanoPlot7
- BCFtools6
- Bandage6
- msConvert6
- seqtk6
- Flye5
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- Open Babel5
- RStudio5
- Workflow4Metabolomics5
- ggplot25
- BamTools4
- Biopython4
- Bowtie 24
- Diamond4
- Galactic Circos4
- KrakenTools4
- MetaPhlAn4
- Minimap24
- MuSiC suite: PoPMuSiC, HoTMuSiC, and SNPMuSiC4
- RSeQC4
- annotatemyids4
- mothur4
- xcms4
- Bracken3
- Bwa-mem23
- Cardinal3
- DropletUtils3
- FASTX-Toolkit3
- GenomeScope 2.03
- HUMAnN23
- InterProScan (EBI)3
- MSstats3
- Merqury3
- Newick Utilities3
- QualiMap3
- RDKit3
- Stacks3
- The Protein Data Bank (PDB)3
- UniProt3
- Unicycler3
- Unipept3
- bx-python3
- compute_sequence_length3
- gfastats3
- gffread3
- lofreq3
- snippy3
- snpEff3
- Apollo2
- Bio3D2
- COMBAT-TB Workbench2
- CellProfiler2
- Circos2
- Clustal 1.8 (Clustal W, Clustal X)2
- FeatureCounts2
- GOEnrichment2
- GOseq2
- Galaxy Image Analysis2
- GraPhlAn2
- Gromacs2
- MDAnalysis2
- Medaka2
- Racon2
- Recentrifuge2
- RepeatMasker2
- SRA Software Toolkit2
- Salmon2
- SeqCode2
- SortMeRNA2
- Vcflib2
- chemfp2
- eggNOG-mapper v22
- export2graphlan2
- funannotate2
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- GTN1
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- Beginner1
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- e-learning
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