Online material, Recording, hands-on tutorial
MaBoSS: a tool for modelling biological systems
Modelling biological systems can be very useful to identify which cellular mechanisms are deregulated in diseases and why, to anticipate the effect of drugs, and to optimise the efficacy of treatments, among other purposes. This section includes training materials and resources to use MaBoSS (Markovian Boolean Stochastic Simulator), a tool for continuous time boolean modelling. You will find tutorials and demonstrations on how to use the MaBoSS extensions webMaBoSS and pyMaBoSS in different biomedical use cases.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Mathematical modelling, cancer, Signalling, boolean modelling, logical modelling
Target audience: Modellers, Life Science Researchers
Resource type: Online material, Recording, hands-on tutorial
Status: Active
Date created: 2022-11-01
Date published: 2022-11-15
Contributors: Daniel Thomas Lopez, Marta Lloret-Llinares
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