Learn to Discover (L2D): Data Handling and Machine Learning using Python
Sponsored by UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) through an Innovation Scholars DaSH award with funding from MRC, BBSRC and ESRC, the Learn To Discover initiative currently offers a comprehensive programming course, centred on the Python language. Students are taught everything from foundational programming, through to advanced application of Python to data science, machine learning and aspects of AI; all through the lens of real-world biological and biomedical examples. All students across a wide range of programming backgrounds are able to join the course, since all levels of experience are accommodated. Individuals with limited to no programming experience are welcome to enrol in our Basic Python units, whereas more seasoned programmers are invited to partake in our Machine Learning modules.
Keywords: Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, data science, Python Programming, Bioinformatics, Biomedical data
Target audience: Healthcare professionals, Bioscientists, Life Science Researchers, Postgraduate Students
Status: Active
Learning objectives:
All the way from basic Python programming to data handling to advanced machine learning.
Activity log