Use Apptainer containers for running Galaxy jobs
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Galaxy to run jobs using Apptainer containers provided by the BioContainers community.
About This Material
This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.
Learning Objectives
- Configure your Galaxy to use Apptainer and BioContainers for running jobs
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Galaxy Server administration, ansible, git-gat, jobs
Target audience: Galaxy Administrators
Resource type: e-learning
Version: 11
Status: Active
- Ansible
- Galaxy Installation with Ansible
Learning objectives:
- Configure your Galaxy to use Apptainer and BioContainers for running jobs
Date modified: 2024-06-14
Date published: 2021-01-08
Contributors: Helena Rasche, Marius van den Beek, Matthias Bernt, Mira Kuntz, Torfinn Nome
Activity log