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Hetan Shah - RSS executive director


Data used to be the province of statisticians and researchers. But now it has exploded into public consciousness. Large technology companies make money from data. Scandals such as Cambridge Analytica destroy public trust. Algorithms and artificial intelligence are starting to be deployed in a wide range of ways, leading to public concerns including privacy, bias and accountability.  And there is also a crisis of faith around notions of misinformation, as summed up in terms such as ‘post-truth’ and ‘fake news’.

Statisticians can’t quietly carry on without engaging in these issues. There is a risk that we may see a data backlash, affecting the work of many statisticians.  #RSSGlaBacklash


Come and hear from Hetan Shah, executive director of the Royal Statistical Society about the issues in the wider data landscape, and how the RSS is responding.


It will be an informal event, with plenty of time for discussion. 

Please register to attend at the following link: 

Venue: The Royal Statistical Society

City: London

Country: United Kingdom

Postcode: EC1Y 8LX

Organizer: Royal Statistical Society

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

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