Software Carpentry at UoN Callaghan
Date: 21 - 22 September 2016
This intensive 2-day workshop delivered by our Software Carpentry accredited trainers at Intersect Australia is aimed at researchers and higher degree research students (HDRs) who would like to start learning to code in the Python programming language, automate repetitive tasks using the Unix shell, and safely store their code and data under version control in Git.
Who can access Intersect training services?
* Researchers, research groups, and Higher-Degree Research students from any Intersect member organisation.
* For people and organisations outside the Intersect membership, training can be provided on a fee-for-service basis. Please email: [email protected]
Keywords: ABR, SoftwareCarpentry
Venue: Callaghan
City: Newcastle
Country: Australia
Organizer: University of Newcastle
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: Computer science, Software engineering
Activity log